Exploring the Galaxy - Week 1

The 'Oh so important" loadout for the long journey. I asked around in Forums before departing and some claimed I 'needed' the A6 Fuel Scoop, but I disagree. C6 was faaaaar more affordable and still did a decent job. Some say the Shield generator is a waste, but I kind of wanted that extra insurance. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy I had a general idea in what direction I wanted to go. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy The Musca Dark region is... Dark : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy So on a long journey, you tend to look at the less ordinary stuff. This was the first of thousands of bodies I examined... Orbits look crazy tight IMO. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Double planets are common in ED, here we have a bunch of bodies crammed together. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy As you can see in the texture detail of each surface, ye we are close to both, its not just an illusion. Crazy tight orbits here... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Right about here, I realized they locked up the 'external cam' which I came to use extensively in my screenshots. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy And more.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Whenever you visit a system, look for class 4 ringed giants, theyu are usually worth a visit. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Nice view... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy As I said. Class 4 ringed iants are often spectacular. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Screenshot 0126 : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
And my little ship... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Hyyypeeerspaaacee... Oh wait, wrong franchise... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Red planet. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy If you go an a long journey without the advanced scanner, you are crazy. Anyhoo, keep an eye at top right of the screen when you run your scanner. Some systems contain a lot of stuff. 49 bodies is not bad, but I'm sure we'll find more... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Screenshot 0137 : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Screenshot 0138 : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Behold, a ringed planet and sunlight coming from behind. Enough said.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Getting creative with the angles.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
That ring looks weird, its almost like a giant man made cosmic freeway ;-) : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy That's a lot of ring segments.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Looks odd, another tight orbit and the Sun in the back. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Ah yes, the good old Milky Way is with you all the way... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Crazy orbits create some sort of grid pattern.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Waterworld.. No not that crappy Costner flick, a planet covered with water. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Lonely Planet (TM) : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Zzzzz.zzzZZZzzzzz... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Look, a ringed moon. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Impressive ringed gas giant... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy There's beauty in dem dar rings.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Look at the size of that thing.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
I'm now over 1000 ly from 'home'. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy "You're here" : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Lot's of jump options... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Look, ALL planets have rings. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Another impressive Class 4 giant with a massive ring system. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Yea, more rings! : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy A thousand lane freeway.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Getting close to the rocks here... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
It goes on... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy And on... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Screenshot 0185 : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Ahh, another one in the background (top right). : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Holy crap, look at that thing.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Vertical view.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Upside down.. or.. is it? : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Behold, a brown planet. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Let's take a closer look... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Funny looking rings.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy The Milky Way in the background.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Alignment.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
That's nice variation among the stars.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy What can I say, they like ringed planets here ;-) : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Ghostly apparition... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Weird orbits, look at the bunch of planets that orbit a common center of gravity, yet stars on each side also have their "own" planets. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Occlusion.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy The region of the galaxy I came to refer to as "Shit-space" bacause of the incredibly boring systems that all looked like this. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Are those orbits... staring at me... or have I been in space for too long? ;-) : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Sigh... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Weee, only 41 mins of exciting space travel at 140c ;-) : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Another typical "Shit-space (TM)" system. No, you don't waste time on exploring these... At least you can scoop some fuel from those boring stars. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Yes, it goes on lie this... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Are those planets, or am I watching a game of galactic Pool? : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Entering the Blu" region... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Now I'm approx 1700 ly from home. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Seems I've cleared "Shit-space", now this look a bit more interesting.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Wonders of the galaxy indeed. This looks wonderfully weird. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
More rings. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Me and my ship.. And the rings... And the star... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy My trusty old Asp Explorer looking good. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy The Zebra planet. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Rings are fascinating. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Majestic : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Groovy : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Nice looking planet. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Keep an eye at the Stats Tab (exploration). It keeps track of the number of systems you visited and the types of scans you do. Here I still have a long way to go. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Time to zoom out the old galaxy map and see where the hell I am. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Never miss a chance to check out a ringed, back-lit planet ;-) : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Exterior view... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Shiny rings.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Let's take a closer look at those rings.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy My eyes! Who color-matched this one? : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Flaming hot.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Floating there quietly in the night.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Mostly transparent rings.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy OMG I know now what that is, it's the ghost of "Clippy". : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Oh boy.... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Wow, what a set of interesting planets you got there.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy I'm going in! : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Hmm, I wonder if I can fly between them... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Let's do this! : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
What's going on there.. Half-assed algorithms out here? Even Moons look the same as the planets. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy At least exploration will be quick and painless.. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy No, I'm not going there... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Screenshot 0304 : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Maximum Warp. Engage! : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Looks like an atmosphere around that planet. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy I see clouds. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy You better not be in a hurry if you wanna go all in on exploration. Systems lite this will take a lot of time to finish off. : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy
Not the most common system type in the galaxy... : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Screenshot 0314 : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy Awfully tight orbits, don't you think? : ED, Elite Dangerous, Space, Exploration, Galaxy